GLFW Error
The GLFW Error means that you need to update your drivers so they can support OpenGL.
How to Update your Drivers:
To fix this problem, you will first need to determine what type of video card you have. Use the guide below depending on your operating system:
Press windows key and R simultaneously
Type dxdiag in the run window and press enter
In the dxdiag window, go to the display tab
Look for the manufacturer name
Almost all Apple computers come with built-in drivers and a graphics card. These cannot be changed. Make sure your system is up-to-date and your drivers should update as well.
Open your terminal.
Type in lspci -v | less
Look for the line that says VGA Compatible or Video Controller
Look for the manufacturer and model name
Once you find out the manufacturer?s name, you can go to their website and to detect or locate which drivers you need. You can find the websites below:
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